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Kyra sure fit those clothes pretty well, considering she doesn’t wear any most of the time.

(side note: mobile website was giving me problems scrolling over comic)

Oh? What kind of problems? I’ve noticed it highlights it when you have your finger over it (much like how mouse clicks do) is that what you’re talking about?

Yeah. But more than that, when I moved my finger over the comic to scroll down or right or any direction it seemed to start loading a link as if I just tapped it. Seems like this doesn’t happen every time, but I can’t control it.

I REALLY hope we see drunk Kyra by the end of this arc now. Or at least sometime in the future.

Doubtful. I don’t find the whole person being drunk comedy bit funny. Whenever I hear people talk about their drunk stories or being around drunk people I never get the appeal or humor. To me it’s more of a “why would you be in this situation where stuff like this can happen why is this fun for anyone.” To each their own I guess and that’s not one for me to understand.

That being said I do have a joke for Kyra ready to go if the situation does ever come up, heh.

Yes this sentiment is the best!

Like none of the reasons people have to drink are reasonable to me. You want to forget about your problems? That is just making them worse tomorrow. You want to drop your inhibitions? You can just… do that. You don’t need to drop your IQ by half through poisoning. You want to recreationally gather and socialize? Great! That has no requirement for alcohol!

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