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57 – Very Cool

57 – Very Cool published on 7 Comments on 57 – Very Cool

Chapter fifty-seven sounds pretty cool, no wait … VERY cool!  Now you’ll have to spend at least a week wondering what the heck it’s going to even be about?  But I suppose you can ask that in a confused tone for most of the chapters.  Either way I hope this one is a more laid back silly one after the epic size the cupcake turned into.  I mean, yeah, I plan the comics out but I’m constantly changing my mind as they go.  So wish me luck haha.

I didn’t get much extra drawing done as I like to on my time off from making the comics.  This story had a lot more pieces that were struggling to be put together.  However I did get a few done.  First, an image I drew for Valentines Day (but maybe should’ve been for Giving Hearts Day).  Next is some traditional “normal” dinosaur heads, as Kyra’s has become so stylized it’s been giving me too much to think about.  The last three are part of a set.  There’s a character named Izutsumi from the manga “Delicious in Dungeon” who is a cat creature, and some of the panels I’ve seen of her as SO Kyra that I had to draw them as her.







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The cupcakes have finished  3/3

Oh the chapter is finally done after almost exactly five months to the day.  I never would have guessed that this would end up being one of the longest chapters I’ve ever done.  But looking back a lot of fun extra stuff happened for all these setups.  I also went out of my way to only do two pages a week too see if would hold off the burn out that tends to happen by the end of the chapters.  At least until the end when I went crazy with nine pages in three weeks heh.  Speaking of numbers, looks like in exactly three years I’ve made five chapters.  I originally hoped for three a year, but they have been getting more epic and detailed.

And speaking of that, OH BOY do I have a lot of prep work to do on the next chapter!  We’ll have the next week off and then the cover drop the week after, as usual, and assuming I get enough work done.  I must confess however – some of the ideas I’ve been planning for several years are getting harder to write as they become horribly true in real life.  But I suppose that’s just more comic burdens for me to bare.  Here’s hoping the next one turns out to be a fun little story … something I always assume for each chapter, haha.  Until next time!

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