One problem down another problem up? All we can be sure about is that this chapter seems to be getting closer to the end. I do like how long this story is without feeling as long as, say the last one. At least that’s how I feel. But I guess as we’ve seen in the last few pages who knows how we’re supposed to feel Oh, I guess I like the weird look the black hole gave the room. That is also a something.
Here is also a something – a Halloween image I drew of a little pumpkin and a little pumpkin. I don’t draw young Kyra much these days, but I suppose I did for a decade already. She’s still utterly adorable back then though which is also quite important!
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Aww, Kyra trying to fight it but then just giving in. I can tell her struggle with just these 3 middle panels + her okay face.
And finaly, the Person we were already adressing since we know Kyra was invited to the art gallery by the head gallerist, the gallerist himself. Will fe finaly her his reasoning for inviting Kyra?
Also Ann seems pretty okay with the situation, not even the black ball of negativity seemed to bother her. A mask or strength? I am reminded of another Tuesday.
PS: Small Pumpkin Kyra in a Pumpkin is best Pumpkin Pumpkin. I do adore our little Dino. She grew up so quickly. ( For me at least, 10 Years is a number)
Aww, little Kyra in a pumpkin with her little tail and those toes peeking out? Too adorable! I had to get that out first.
“I know I’m right but how am I the only one?” We’ve all been there at some point(s). Paul explained everything so well to Kyra, even if he did almost say Ann’s unicorn is Oops.
The expressions you are able to get on a dinosaur’s face are amazing! We can tell just what’s going through her mind. Ann is still smiling but Kyra looks so defeated at the end. Head gallerist – I command you to cheer her up!
There were a lot of really cool things you did with framing and perspective in the black hole panels. Very cool stuff.
Thank you! I couldn’t quite make these pages how I envisioned them in my head, but I’m still quite pleased at how I made them look. It was almost weird going back to the bright “normal” colors once things went back to normal.
The stories lately have been relatively normal in nature so I almost completely forgot that bizarre surreal things happen in this comic from time to time.
I’m not really sure I understand why the black hole of existentialism went away? I mean, there was never really a real answer offered for the question that opened it in the first place. Just a positive message about friendship which was only tangentially related. Is it just because Kyra decided to stop questioning it? (And is it existential for me to question the laws and nature of existentialism given form in itself?)
This whole second story arc and all its chapters is overall going to be more on the “normal” side. There’s going to be more exploration of “what happens when there’s a real dinosaur around” and the things that happens. Of course, there’s still plenty of opportunities for things to swing in a wild (but still slightly understandable) direction.
The previous page implied that all of them agreeing on what art “is” would stop the question of implosion. They were all art experts so it should be easy for them. However Kyra was a major holdout, and being the one who started it in the first place … you know, thinking about it too hard will just start a second black hole haha
Kyra agreed / acceded / gave in … to the definition
I don’t know how to big words about how Kyra not wanting to say anything that might hurt Ann’s feelings nearly got Ann hurt physically, so I’m just gonna skip to the part where I post sad emojis
???? ???? ????
Aww, I thought they were going to settle on “art is what artists do, and Ann is an artist”
“but what even IS an artist?”
There is
one art,
no more,
no less:
to do
all things
with art-
—Piet Hein