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56 Cupcake

56 Cupcake published on 12 Comments on 56 Cupcake

Cupcakes?  So sweet and tasty?  What in the world is anyone going to be up to THIS time?  I know what I’m up to – making comics and posting art!  If you want to see art or stuff or something from me occasionally, I’ve added two more buttons under the post.  First is my Bluesky account and the other is a Cara account.  I’ve never been good with social media stuff, which is why my webcomic has sat in obscurity for fifteen years.  But Cara is very art centered and I’ve been quite enjoying it.  Maybe Bluesky will pick up for me, we’ll see.

What’s that?  Oh, did I say fifteen years?  THAT’S RIGHT!  Fifteen years ago on the September 3rd I uploaded the very first chapter of this webcomic.  It most certainly does not feel that long ago, but I also might be comparing it to part 2 of the comic … also Phil Likes Tacos.  As I mentioned, this comic has never been popular so I’m forever grateful to all you wonderful people who have stuck around through thick and thin to this day.  It keeps me going on those bad days.  I’d say something like “here’s to another fifteen years” but at this rate it’ll be another ten until part 2 is done.

To celebrate, I thought of this really fun image here – redrawing a bunch of scenes from part 1 with baby Kyra.  I know you’re all still fans of her at this age so I hope you enjoy.  There’s a lot coming up for her life as a teenager, but I mustn’t forget our roots … and the first forty chapters, heh.  Click the image for full view, or the individual ones below for extra large Kyra.  I have other images finished, will post at some other date.  Hey, maybe at those two sites I mentioned! Thank you again for reading, commenting, fanart, and just being here.  See you next week for the story to start!






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I’ve probably said this before, but if you ever made a print version of this comic I would happily buy it regardless of cost. I would love to have Kyra on my bookshelves…

No! Not like that! Get down from there, Kyra!

Ah, there’s all sorts of merchandise I would’ve loved to have had that was Kyra based – even beyond books! At least we have a comic and an occasional image to warm our hearts.

And yes, she would totally attack your bookshelf just to be a delightful pest, heh

Ooh 15 years! I wasn’t here at the beginning exactly, but I wanna say I’m only a couple years off. It’s been a lot of fun reading Kyra’s adventures and antics. Nice to see her grow up as time goes on and your art change and improve over time! Here’s to another 10-15 years or however long!

Wow I remembered how cute baby Kyra was but not how tiny she was at first! How she has grown over 15 amazing years.
More people need to know about Kyra – and PLT too – so they can enjoy your comics as much as I do. Mighty congrats and here’s to another 15+ years!
PS We just had Luna’s lemonade and now there will be . . cupcakes? Hmm, intriguing.

Fifteen years!? Jesus, I’ve got a lot to catch up on! Congratulations for going so long! I’m sorry this comic hasn’t gotten popular, it’s a very strange but utterly charming thing, and I look forward to more. Might come watch ya on Bluesky then!

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