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There was a drawing challenge quite a while ago to draw your character in this very fancy black dress.  It took Ann (me) quite a while to finish making it and even longer to convince Kyra (me) to put it on to show everyone.  I’m actually pleased at how it turned out.  I also drew the OC licking a lemon meme but still have no idea when to post it because of the current story arc involving lemons.  Would it even work after reading this page?


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I wonder about other creatures’ senses sometimes. I know that even obligate carnivores are known to eat vegetation occasionally for varying reasons. Crocodiles apparently quite enjoy eating fruit that falls into their rivers.

Now I’ve got an idea for my kid dragon character. He’s got a sweet tooth specifically because candy and other confections are so concentratedly sweet that they trigger what little saccharine response he’s got on his carnivore tongue.

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