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1475 published on 9 Comments on 1475

(Drops conductors baton. Passes out.)
Well gosh wow, we’ve made it.  You know, when I first thought up this story line many years ago, I never expected it to be so long and epic.  But making all those fun parody like songs was a ton of fun to make and gave this chapter an interesting vibe.  Can you guess what songs I used as the base?  The particular pages are 1445, 1446, 1452, 1453, 1464. and this page.  WHAT FUN!

This also means it’s comic break time next week.  I have a LOT of work to do on the next chapter if I want to get it started the week after.  Say, that week is also about the comic’s 15th anniversary!  I really want to do something special for it … but I don’t have many ideas and even less time.  We’ll see I suppose.

Oh, and I guess I can FINALLY share this image.  Earlier this year there was a drawing meme of your OC tasting a lemon and getting a scrunchy face.  I made one for Kyra … but it was weeks before she actually showed up in the chapter so it didn’t seem right posting it at the time.  Then when she did appear the joke was old and awkward.  BUT NOW IS THE TIME!  Enjoy, and we’ll see what bonus stuff I’ll have for next time.  Thank you for reading as always!


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Maybe do series of flashbacks with Kyra growing up from being young Dino in the lab to bring with Paul and being with the group?

You already did something like that before, though it would be pretty neat to see Eon again like that.

What fun!

Alas I can’t puzzle out what songs you used as inspirations for the pages you mentioned.

That lemon must be realy sour considering that Kyra does hardly taste anything, right?

This was a realy fun chapter. I kind of liked the sleasy businessman and his ever lowering head. But Kyra going all out to solve the Problem she unintenionaly caused was a delight.

Carnivores, like Kyra, tend to have significantly less taste buds than animals that need to eat a variety of foods. Many meat eaters can’t taste sugar at all. Kyra can do sour though, but especially bitter. That’s how they can tell when meat is rotting,

But ultimately … funny joke and funny Kyra face!

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