Haha, many good potential reaction emotes of Kyra here. Blowing raspberry or hugging her tail.
Well, I imagine she’d have to experience a smell first in order to know what it is.
It’s unlikely she would have ever experienced acetic acid isolated on its own, but it is part of fermented grapefruit juice so her answer makes sense.
So it’s not so much that she made a mistake as it is that she just didn’t have the information as the result of an experience. Given how her olfactory memory is she is unlikely to be incorrect twice.
In other words, this is a rare moment where Bill is actually wrong here.
Great explanation!
I love Kyra’s little tongue blowing raspberries at Bill.
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Haha, many good potential reaction emotes of Kyra here. Blowing raspberry or hugging her tail.
Well, I imagine she’d have to experience a smell first in order to know what it is.
It’s unlikely she would have ever experienced acetic acid isolated on its own, but it is part of fermented grapefruit juice so her answer makes sense.
So it’s not so much that she made a mistake as it is that she just didn’t have the information as the result of an experience. Given how her olfactory memory is she is unlikely to be incorrect twice.
In other words, this is a rare moment where Bill is actually wrong here.
Great explanation!
I love Kyra’s little tongue blowing raspberries at Bill.