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936 published on 15 Comments on 936

That sales lady was crazy, look at that adorable little Kyra there!  Just want to give her a hug!  I should upload a version without that text getting in the way and a higher rez.  Say … maybe that’s something I could do if I ever stop being dumb and get a Patreon page – higher rez versions of the comic!  I originally thought I could do the old “read comic pages as soon as they’re done instead of waiting until Monday” deal, but I spend days picking at the comic so they’re never done until Sunday night anyway.  Any other ideas for a Patreon or ko-fi page and do either interest anyone?

Now … I am almost a hundred percent positive that nobody will even notice what I’m talking about, but I think this page 936 looks way better than the other pages.  I found a different way to color it compared to how I’ve been doing it for years and it shows, but not in the way you’d think.  Very long story short, the old way caused the ink lines to turn out thicker than I originally drew them.  With this new way they stay untouched and as I intended.  I’m still slowly getting used to all the new ways I’ve been drawing and posting the comics so they’re just going to get better and better as we go on.  And we’re just barely getting started in this new story of Kyra’s life with more coming next Monday!

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She’s got such expressive feet! I love it.
Now there’s a sentence I didn’t think i’d write today.

I’d probably chip in on a patreon. “Uh-oh, Its a dinosaur” has been a steady stream of fun early morning comic reading with my breakfast for years now. It’d be nice to give back a little.

I cant tell a big difference in the color like you mentioned, but its great to hear you’re finding ways to improve the quality of huggable Kyras.

I figured a dinosaur like Kyra has incredible running power so her mighty legs would be quite active, especially when reclined and can give those skinny little arms a break. Boring old humans tend to stand around a lot but Kyra just can’t sit still.

It’s less about the colors and more about the lines. I’m still trying to get them “just right” and this was another step there.

Bill has truly perfected the art of giving an intense, angry glare from behind a pair of dark shades.

Years of practice, I guess.

Fun fact – originally on page 921 when the guard told Bill the bad news that Kyra was still in bed, he was going to take off his glasses and everyone would see how surprisingly angry he was behind the shades. Then I realized how much more powerful it would be when the guard gets scared of his non-reaction. Dang Bill are you the Xman Cyclops or something?

Yeah I can see what you are talking about, the lines feel like they have less artifacts or might be a bit smoother. I couldn’t really tell on my phone but on my pc where I can blow it up even bigger it is noticeable. More of a hand inked lines feel to match your whole style.

As far as Patreon goes, uploading the higher-res comics, doing requests/doodles (much like you used to with your vote drawings) would be great. Maybe uploading the comics early on patreon as rough drafts and the like.
Also the best thing I could think of is art streams, where you can do a private stream just for your patreons where you play some music and draw your comics or other artwork. Maybe even do a bit of gaming which you seem to always do. Q and A’s are always well received. It might even motivate you to stick to a better schedule since the factor of “ooh I have to show my supporters my art process” might give you a kick in the posterior.

On another note, they shouldn’t ride Kyra so hard, this whole situation was basically out of her control. Wow, a whole double (or more) bookshelf of projects and the like coming to Kyra over the years…no wonder she hates it. That is like shoving a full time job complete with soul crushing rejection and disappointment onto both of her reptilian hearts.

My job hours tend to be quite uneven and surprising which makes scheduling difficult some weeks. It’s another reason I switched to the “everything for Monday” because some weeks I’d have plenty of time between comics and another all my free time is crowded at the end of the week or something. I draw sporadically too which would make streams interesting, heh. But they are all good ideas I shall give thought to!

As for Kyra it seems they’ve been trying other ways to deal with the thousands of businesses as people trying to get into contact with people. Or possibly EVERY business and person! It’s like trying to deal with the world’s most unique and cranky celebrity. You gotta do something, but what?

I’ve been trying to think of what kind of products Kyra might actually be interested in advertising for, and it’s actually pretty hard to come up with something. Your first thought would be toward some sort of meat product, but Kyra honestly probably wouldn’t like that either, with all the antibiotics and chemicals we pump into our meats. Plus she’d probably complain about how we take all the fun out of them by not hunting down our own meals.

Maybe, though, a good candidate might be shampoos? Does she still use some sort of shampoo conditioner product for her feathers? Because she’s literally covered in them now I feel like there could be a lot of potential there.

P.S. Is it bad that when I read the words “body armor” my mind immediately jumped to the sports drink rather than literal armor.

Feathers are different than shampoos but I bet they’d try anyway! Would probably say YES to it as an excuse to squirt shampoo into everyone’s eyes forgetting that humans are big sad babies. But in all serious, yes, Kyra would be very picky about endorsements. It’s probably even worse now after ten years of whatever they’ve been doing. Seems like they’ve tried different things in the past.

Now there would be a fun interaction, Kyra attacking everyone at a sports drink company because she misinterpreted “body armor.”

Hmm… you know, I had the sudden thought that Kyra must be getting regular medical attentions… blood tests… etc… all that perfectly good DNA… couldn’t someone give her a twin sister to split the work between?

According to Eon … no.

Although it is worth noting that it has been ten years comic-time since then, so it’s possible they may have made some progress on that front. I wonder if they would still have Eon working on it. After all, she is still a super computer with a crazy amount of data on that very subject. It might be safe to let her keep working on it, as long as she isn’t hooked up to an entire facility.

Speaking of cloning, I have a suspicion that Yong may have been working on something to that effect last time we saw him. That hunch isn’t based on anything more than a gut feeling though, so don’t read too much into it. But if I’m right, he’d have been working on it since ten years ago, so another Kyrasaurus around Kyra’s age appearing in the comic at some point is not an impossibility. Not that I’m saying I know what Andrew is planning, I’m merely pointing out the fact that he left the possibility open.

This story arc is still in its first chapter so it has a long way to go. This makes me impatient because there’s so many characters from the first story we have to catch up with. The thought that “oh I’m not going to get to character X at all this year” makes me sad but it’s something to look forward to. I sat on Kyra’s new design forever without exploding after all. Hopefully the readers can survive too, heh

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