Update May 11 Update May 11 published on May 10, 2020Read more posts by the author of Update May 11, andrwbltz Two pages of things happening in the mall. Is it Kyra or is it everybody else? Is it both? Reading is the only way to know for sure.
Update May 4 Update May 4 published on May 4, 2020Read more posts by the author of Update May 4, andrwbltz No more card store now it’s a jewelry store. Two stores down only several dozen to go! Perhaps not, but there’s two pages anyway.
Update April 27 Update April 27 published on April 26, 2020Read more posts by the author of Update April 27, andrwbltz I’ve been hard at work this week so we only have a one page update. Watch as Kyra bother’s people at their work, as she tends to do all the time.