Update March 30 Update March 30 published on March 30, 2020Read more posts by the author of Update March 30, andrwbltz Hopefully you enjoy reading this comic because I have THREE pages for you to read this week. Let’s see what everybody’s up to shall we? Yes we will.
Update March 23 Update March 23 published on March 23, 2020Read more posts by the author of Update March 23, andrwbltz Hello this comic update is at the mall where are you? I guess you could be on your phone reading it in the mall. How clever of you!
Update March 16 Update March 16 published on March 16, 2020Read more posts by the author of Update March 16, andrwbltz Two more pages of more things happening in the mall. Oh what’s what’s going to be happening in every update for a while I suppose!