Update November 18 Update November 18 published on November 18, 2019Read more posts by the author of Update November 18, andrwbltz Who’s up? Is that Jill? What’s she up to these days? There’ll probably be some stuff in these two pages I bet.
Update November 11 Update November 11 published on November 11, 2019Read more posts by the author of Update November 11, andrwbltz Now who’s up, Beatrice and the other two kids? Which one of the three will misbehave the most? Oh I hope it’s not the baby as that would be weird.
Update November 4 Update November 4 published on November 4, 2019Read more posts by the author of Update November 4, andrwbltz Two pages of characters doing stuff, just like the thousand pages before them. I can finally say that now because this comic is starting to get long.