Oh hello, I’m on a little break right now because I finished the chapter. Next week I’ll drop the cover and name of the upcoming and exciting chapter 43. Now, what to do about this week?
Ah! Now I know I’ve shown these before but I couldn’t see them anywhere on the site. If you haven’t seen them before, well, happy 10th anniversary! First is a very old test page of the Kyra comic concept. As you can see this is before I created Paul so the comic was missing a good second character, and look at how weird that early Kyra is! The second is the original first page of the comic. In the long run based on the massive length of this comic a slower start would have been better, but I probably didn’t expect to get near a thousand pages ten years later.
But if you’re a long time fan maybe you’ve seen those already. Well alright then, have some more wonderful art of me developing teenage Kyra. First is the earliest “good” picture of teen Kyra from August 2016. Second is her in some clothes, as the long shirt idea’s been around for a while (and apparently a hat was a thing?) Finally some nice looking sketches of Kyra hands which have unfortunately been hidden by those annoying human clothes so far. Maybe next time I’ll be able to show the design process of some other characters who haven’t shown up yet? Soon …