July 15 update July 15 update published on July 14, 2019Read more posts by the author of July 15 update, andrwbltz Two new pages for two minds to go at each other, one a simple cow and the other the complex dinosaur. Which one is Kyra? The – the dinosaur, of couse.
July 8th update July 8th update published on July 7, 2019Read more posts by the author of July 8th update, andrwbltz It’s strange dinosaur vs strange cow, who will do something in this two page update? Will it be Kyra or cow? That it was I already asked.
July 1 update July 1 update published on June 30, 2019Read more posts by the author of July 1 update, andrwbltz New month new update with two pages to read. If you can at least. Looks like a lot of it is in a foreign language.