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Ah, it appears we’ve reached the end of this MOO COW adventure for now.  Now to spend the next few years wondering what’s going to be showing up again in the future.  At least we’ve learned a few more details about this world and the happenings that happen inside it.  Gosh, I wonder what sort of happenings will happenstance in the next chapter?

Speaking of chapter 43, we’ll see what I’m up to with that one next week.  At this point I’m thinking about taking the rest of the week to finalize some important stuff for the next chapter then start working on it after that.  Perhaps next week I’ll have a little update on the main page with more old Kyra artwork.  The week after that I’ll post the exciting title page for chapter 43 full of hype like we’ve never seen before!  Then we can get started back up on the 23 of the month.  OR I go crazy and never stop and do that all a week sooner.  We’ll see how much I can get done the next two weeks.

So until then, have some more wonderful fanart!  The first is another by Zanny of a Kyra that’s quite pleased over her amazing physical skills of jumping beyond a silly human.  And the other Peter Roadman of a more relaxed Kyra after another crazy adventure.  I could use one too Kyra, but there’s so many more stories to get to!


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Those two guards are going to be making so many workmans comp claims for stress related complications in this line of work. They could have probably filled a swimming pool with all the sweat they leaked in just this chapter alone! ????

I think they’re starting to see her as more of a person and not so much a dangerous animal though, if those last two panels they are in are any indication. Hopefully one of these days we’ll learn their actual names so they can be more than just faceless goons.

It’s almost weird seeing Kyra naked in the fanart after she’s worn her shirt so much in the comic.

Meanwhile it’s funny to me because when sketching Kyra it’s usually without human clothes. But yes, I don’t want to create the problem where the shirt Kyra is the default one. She’s just out and about doing “work” where they require it of her. Maybe she should stick to hats, humans will trust anything in a hat!

Ah, seeing Paul cheering up Kyra and being there for her. I love their interactions and especialy how they got notably closer over time.

And Kyra talking about how she feels about all this is something I was waiting for. Like how her understanding of money improved to get to such conclusions. How she values her real friends and what she things of this mess these humans did. And especialy how she is forgiving them for their greed, but rather wished to be friends with them.

Just like with the cow friend she made! The escape in addition to the bottom text raises hope for the return of the selfaware cow.

Kyra laying on the ground like a dog is quite adorable. I do think the sitting pose in panel 6 fits her just as well, though. Quite graceful.

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