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Oh how interesting.  So many different dinosaur related things – hands, sales pitches, employees, hands, adorable outfits – Kyra has it all!  Except time for herself or something.  Or maybe she’s just extra cranky or something.

So it looks like I finally managed to get three pages done in a week.  It did take a lot of work, however.  I was able to get five and three pages one in the first two weeks because I spent the week before getting ahead.  I needed to open with a bang of big pages of course.  It does looks like two will be the average as of now.  Work’s been short on hours lately which has given me extra time for comics I guess.  Think of how many pages I could make if that’s all I did.  Oh well.

Hopefully you’re all enjoying the once a week update as much as I am!  It’s a big weekly event to look forward to and my Monday is full of constant phone checks to see if I have any more wonderful comments.  The “get it done when I have time” has been great too.  Speaking of which, I’ll see you NEXT Monday so we can learn what exactly these three odd visitors are actually up to!

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Oh boy, I’m betting they want her for a commercial/photo shoot. For fake chicken-stuff, no less. She’s not going to like that. Or worse, she WILL like that and they’ll try to actually arrange a shoot. That can only end well.

Good Lord each update creates more questions than it answers!

This updates’ questions:

Is that actually Hannah’s mother or is that an older Hannah herself? I want to assume the former, since she looks older than Hannah should be (mid-teens to early twenties I’d think) but I also don’t know why her mother would want a job working with Kyra. What was her job before this?

In the past, Kyra’s claws seemed to be longer than they currently are, but they also appeared to be retractable? So I’m assuming the length we are currently seeing them is only the tips sticking out and not their full length. But maybe they weren’t actually retractable before and that was merely an artistic choice not to show them all the time?

I feel like all I say is “don’t worry we’ll get to it” in this new chapter but … yeah, we’ll get to it XD That’s what happens in a whole new fresh start for the comic, we’ll be getting it piece by piece as we figure out where this world is through the next (checks notes) several chapters. But yes, that’s Hannah’s Mother. We don’t know much yet other than their family lives in a nice house (so must have good jobs) and she’s where Hannah got her snark.

As for the claws it’s mostly artistic. Now that she’s larger I have the space to draw them in every time. But I suppose she could have just grown into them. Either way they’ll look longer when she flexes them because it’s awesome.

So many questions!
Does Kyra like chicken?
Does she do ads on a regular basis?
Is she still opposed to TV?
Why isn’t Mrs. Caker in the cake business?

I had a dream about Kyra last night! Young Kyra, though, not current Kyra.

The dream was kind of like the football chapter, in which she was sabotaging one team to help the loser team win. During the match she kept referring to the loser team’s coach as “Ghost Crab” because he was super pale due to the sadness of losing all the time. Then when she helped his team win, he transitioned from pale and sad to shiny golden and happy while talking to the press. She made an amusing observation about this but I don’t remember what she said.

Then she died somehow. I don’t even know how that happened. And then we were going to bury her in a koi pond for some reason (I say “we” because apparently the readers existed with her in this universe). But just before we were to bury her, she suddenly popped back to life as a zombie. She said she came back because we “didn’t deserve” something, but I can’t remember what that something was she said we didn’t deserve. Then after that Zombie Kyra got in a fight in the pond with a koi which was larger than her entire body. It was a tough fight because her claws were having trouble getting through its tough scaley hide.

And then my alarm woke me up before the battle could conclude. The end.

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