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You know, just because WE think Kyra is an adorable cutie doesn’t mean everybody does.  I think spiders can be quite cute but am fully aware most people disagree with fire.  Even the sweetest lion might be a bit much when it’s sitting next to you in a chair.  Even Paul was freaked out to the point he was afraid to just pick her up – and she was quite smaller back then too!  A bit different when you’re … uh, how would you measure Kyra anyway?  Head to tail?  How tall she is normal stance or upright stance?  Big enough to take your head off at least.

Not much else to say this week.  I had a drawing or two I was going to try and finish up but I’m quite tired tonight and it’s getting quite late.  Perhaps I’ll post it in this post late this week when I have some time again.  But if not later, I’ll for sure see you all next Monday for whatever wonderful thing happens next which I’m sure will be quite wonderful.

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Ah, being surrounded by flinching prey-animals all the time must indeed get to her in the long run.
And i bet she hasn’t even eaten a single one! Human that is…

Aw, Ms. Marketing was doing so well too. I kinda feel like there ought to be someone there whose job it is to smooth over guests’ fears and digest human complexities into bits Kyra can engage with, especially when it comes to commercial arrangements. Bill is too… Bill and Ms. Bo Banah is kind of scowly.

By the way, what happened to the paper hat?

Also kudos on your use of greyscale and contrast in the Scary-O-Vision to highlight the objects of Ms. Marketing’s fears.

Oh no the paper hat, time to delete this page and start over! It must have been lost in her ramblings. Don’t forget that the best people for the job, Bill on security and Mrs Banah on lawyering, still have to put up with Kyra. As you can imagine that’s a lot to deal with besides their actual jobs. And phew, I’m glad the last panels turned out as I got quite nitpicky with them over the weekend, heh

Aww. Kyra became so engaged. I’m sure Kyra can understand human’s instincts but it would have to hurt her ego.
On a side note, I love her big toothy smile.

The funny thing is that if it were a cat lying in this pose, there is no way she would be able to resist rubbing its belly. Yet the difference between Kyra and a cat is that a cat is more likely to actually use its claws on you.

I suppose we don’t know Kyra’s position of people trying to give her belly rubs and pet-pats and the like yet. Who wants to be the first to give it a try!

Aw c’mon, lady! Dogs have big teeth too, and we still let them in our houses and hearts, and snuggle at our feet and near our faces, and they have *much* worse breath than Kyra. Don’t be raci-.. specist. >:c

Gasp! Kyra takes offense to that! She’s no dog you can let into your house. She’s a wild wolf that plays by her own rules and robs your hen house when you look the other way. Oh, you thought you’d catch her tonight but she’s too crafty for you farmer John!

As Butterscotch said, “You remind us of ancient monster who ruled and ruined our world.” Some humans still carry that memory too, it seems.

On that note, I have to wonder if (and hope that) Kyra has stayed in regular contact with Butterscotch. Seems to me like it would be an excellent outlet to express her feelings in her own language and work on learning patience… but I also wonder how Bill would orchestrate such an expedition… heh, or maybe Kyra sneaks out to go talk with Butterscotch sometimes, escape artist that she is at heart. :)

It seems like they organize a lot of visits beyond the walls of Kyrassic Park, judging by the stick notes on Paul’s cubicle in strip 922. Also, that same strip has a DVD labeled “Kyra Zoo/May #72,” suggesting a fairly recent visit.

As for the memories of an ancient monster… I’ve been thinking about Kyra’s tendency toward arrogance and how she trashes her environment. What if that’s a trait of her species, and in Ye Olden Dynosaur days they were just uber-destructive, thoughtless, and careless until they thoughtlessly engineered their own doom? That’s certainly in line with natural selection’s emphasis on “get as much as you can while the getting is good so you can perpetuate yourself.” Pretty much any species which finds itself rising to an untouchable level of power is probably going to wrestle with this problem. We’re in the middle of it now and nobody knows yet how it’s going to turn out. What if kyrasaurs *failed* that test?

I just rediscovered the story, and I can imagine Kyra’s outfit working well with a skirt? I honestly don’t know how women choose clothes, but I think that it could work. I also like all the feather floofs!

Kyra’s tail makes wearing any type of pants difficult if not impossible. A skirt could work (cute) but only when she’s standing upright. The best thing for that is going to be long shirts or sweaters or something, kind of like how she has an extra long flannel at the moment. And feather floof is best fluff.

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