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Yeah, if you REALLY want a dinosaur to sing for you it might not be best to try and weasel her into a contract.  She probably won’t listen to you after a decade of that.  I guess even a few minutes was too much this time.  Where is she going anyway?  Is it next week’s update yet?

Speaking of updates, wow!  Last week I mentioned how I usually only get two pages done each time then kaBLAMO I get three done this week.  Kyra dealing with the record guy was three pages long, so it was a perfect motivator.  I guess I was just in the mood too.  We’ll see if this fire and determination can burn more frequently.  Between work and the constant drawings it can get tiring.  As for this week I’ll be honest … Splatoon 2 has a huge (and final) weapon update on Tuesday so that’ll keep me busy, hoy hoy!

Oh, and for some reason I saved the sketches I did for the pages while drawing them, so here they are in tiny vision in case any of you are interested.  Could be a special thing I could do if I can ever convince myself to finish that Pateron.  Until then, next week!

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If she really wants to give her singing away to everyone for free they should really just set her up with a podcast or a youtube channel or something.

I bet there’s years of footage of her on the internets. Heck, there was a story with those kids where that was a problem when Kyra was still a baby kid. But you’re just not “the real deal” until you get that REAL record deal … r-right? That’s how it works in the BIIIIIZZZ?

(I’d totally listen to audio of a real dinosaur eating too, oh no)

That requires her to want to use the Internet and / or computers and we know her, albeit now legacy, opinions on that.

She probably tried to convince the staff at whatever this facility is to hold open air concerts for her with free admission but they probably factored in the liability lawsuits from Kyra being in the same space as thousands of people for too long and figured they didn’t want to go bankrupt overnight.

Thing is, she wouldn’t have to be involved with computers, the internet, or technology at all in order for her to create free online content. All they need is for there to be a room where there is a camera on at all times, and tell her “hey, whenever you feel like sharing your thoughts/ideas/music with the world, just come in here and speak in front of the camera”. And then somebody else can be responsible for actually sifting through that footage every day and posting the usable stuff online. The Kyra Facility could then make a buttload of money off of the add revenue and use it to fix to alleviate the cost of the repairs she causes them to make on a regular basis.

On a side note, I have a funny feeling that Kyra may not be quite as critical of the internet at this point in time. True, she probably is still not keen on watching videos, visiting websites, or looking at cat photos; but I’m sure that there is one specific thing on the internet that would probably pique her interest:


You cannot tell me that in a universe where a sapient dinosaur exists that she (or the facility) does not receive an insane number of emails from children on a daily basis. Heck, children would write letters to her even if she literally was just nothing more than a dumb animal; they already do stuff like that in real life. And if there is one thing that Kyra appreciates, it’s honest people appreciating how awesome she is. And as much fun as it would be to depict Kyra being flooded with a truckload of paper envelopes, unfortunately modern kids don’t really utilize “snail-mail” anymore. (Do today’s kids even know how to write actual physical letters?)

Andrew: If you are concerned with people not seeing your updates, might I suggest inserting a cover page of sorts before the first comic in your archive. Just something with, like, a picture of Kyra and some text saying something along the lines of “Hello, welcome to my webcomic. We upload in bulk every Monday. Check below to the right for the most recent uploads, or click ‘Next’ to start the comic from the beginning!” Something like that.

Here’s how I’d do it: “Wanna come on a road trip? We’ve got a bunch of people who like banging those drum things and playing with the electronic noise boxes. People will be able to come in and listen to you if they want to, but they pay a little so we can use the concert hall.”

You wouldn’t get enough money to make it worthwhile on it’s own, and you wouldn’t have rights to the music, but you would get publicity for being the music studio that has a dinosaur singing for them.

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