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Warning, a new challenger is approaching!  Some sort of dictator who loves to hunt endangered species it seems?  But I suppose that was to be expected.  Trying to hunt an ancient killing machine would be a very dangerous game.  In fact, it might be the MOST one of those.  Or maybe this will be the last we ever hear of him and Kyra will remain safe forever.  Yeah, who needs that interesting character.  Honestly though, I like how I spent all week perfecting Zaronnell’s design before this big reveal, especially when ones like Kyra and [other character] have taken me months if not years to perfect.  I tell you, there’s no better motivator than suddenly realizing “Oh wait that character has to show up on Monday’s update better finish him up now!”  Well, until then let’s just see what our current characters do in THIS situation with these outclassed kidnappers.  If there’s ONE character that DIDN’T have many changes it just might be good old Paul!

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Well this certainly didn’t go the direction I was expecting. I really thought the ones bribing the farmers to capture Kyra would be like a competitor lab looking to perform tests on her or something somewhat domestic like that. EVIL WARLORD is unexpectedly out of left field even for this comic!

Kyra must be a worldwide interest by now, so there’s bound to be some eccentric oddballs out there. Makes you wonder who ELSE might be out there. Plus there may already be a setup for the scenario you described from a certain awol scientist … or it could be more weird things. I like unexpected weird things!

So that gramps is a jerk. And a kind of villain appeared. One that is obviously know to them. Interesting. He coult turn out the best friend of kyra, once they both aknowledge each others hunting skills, or Kyra will just do to him whatever she did to the floor in the panel 2 of the previous page. ( I wonder if we will see Kyra do such a thing again like at the beginnings when she was junger and randomly took birds down)

If I am honest, I wish for the latter :P

And it took me until the last panel to realise that Paul was already falling in the two panels prior. And here I thought he was strengthened over the 10 years where he had to get out of his shell. However, I doubt most humans would react any different, considering the guns and everything. In that regard. Good job, paul!

I am all for a showdown with the hunter where he explains to Kyra his morality of killing all those animals, at which point Kyra decides that his morals mean it should be okay to him that *his* head ends up *her* trophy.
After which Bill and Paul explain with varying degrees of success that he was a complete loony who should not have been listened to.

I feel really bad for our lead farmer John-Jim. He was truly honest about his passion for this whole humane-farm thing, and now the entire thing is going to be destroyed by no fault of his own. Even if this is resolved peacefully, there is no way this is going to end without Bill seeing to it that everyone involved in this scheme ends up in a federal prison; which includes most of his adult family, who are also the majority of the workers on his ranch. So the farm itself is pretty much doomed … unless Kyra herself can somehow convince Bill not to arrest anyone, which in itself seems like a difficult task. Looking forward to seeing how this situation unravels!

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