Update June 3 Update June 3 published on June 3, 2019Read more posts by the author of Update June 3, andrwbltz We’re back in business with TWO PAGE updates while Kyra and crew do their business. I assume we’ll find out exactly what it is eventually.
Update May 27 Update May 27 published on May 26, 2019Read more posts by the author of Update May 27, andrwbltz I’m finally back from vacation so I can start working on my webcomic again! So that means we only have one page again, but it has Kyra in it so it’s all okay!
Update May 21 Update May 21 published on May 20, 2019Read more posts by the author of Update May 21, andrwbltz Even though I may be away that Kyra insists she still has to play. Have yourselves a new page while I take a vacation from work to visit family.