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Oh, that must be why that guy was freaking out on brush prices a few pages ago.  It’s funny, because when I went from traditional to digital drawing of the comic I thought to myself “oh boy I don’t have to buy new marker pens every other week anymore!”  But it turns out my tablet burns through pen nibs just as fast for just as much money.  Such how it be!

This was a tricky page to draw because I had to make sure what Kyra was saying made sense.  So we have a nice mix of her explaining it with a little visuals.  Luckily I have nothing to worry about because everybody seems to have figured out the color thing last week.  You were right – Kyra can see details in the drawings that we could only dream of!  Certainly an interesting point in the story.  Please lend me your strength as I get to the exciting next pages!

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Ohoh, she’s winning them over!
I like this. Kyra, with her special eyes. (“my brand!”)
Wholesomeness best follow!

I did so wanted to work in a “I have special eyes” joke but I liked Kyra calling them “significant” too much to change it. Original jokes are always better than meme references.

This is the first time I”ve hard of that meme

I suppose it’s faded out over time. The original was a really great commercial from 2012 that was fun to talk about at work and with friends.

Then it became a internet meme after MegaGFilms made their version of it

Heh, it always gets me when I see “multiple” Kyras on a single panel. It just flows so well and fits so perfectly that I wouldn’t want it any other way. XP

And speaking of which, Kyra’s invading my dreams yet again. Except this time, she did so with her friends Kay, Ann, Paul, etc – and they were all turned into dinos just like her. Oh, and Bill too, and he was acting like the whole mess was my fault, so imagine being verbally reamed by a compy with sunglasses and an eternal-professional-grump aura while the fun (read: absolute pandemonium) unfolds all around you. It was glorious. XD

Multiple Kyras is a favorite of mine to draw to show how quick and nimble she is around those lumbering humans. And Bill would most certainly be grumpy and blaming people no matter how big he was.

Haha Kyra just got busted by casually revealing that she wanders through town.
Oh to have eyes as observant and significant as Kyra’s.

Also props to Paul for picking up her spoken details. We get to read it so it is easy to pick up, but it must be more difficult in speech. If I recall correctly he does so for a while now. Even picking up stuff from others she likes to interpret literaly. (And thus usualy unfavorable for Pauls sanity)

I’m sorry, but how has no one talked about the fact that Kyra is the first one to actually get the artist’s work? Look at him, he’s either going to cry or have a breakdown out of pure joy that someone finally sees what his work actually is!
Personally, I don’t always understand modern art, but if I can tell there was real work put into it, or that I feel something from it, even if I can’t explain it (no, seriously, I’m not sure what the feeling is, so please don’t ask, it isn’t negative though), then frankly I consider the artist to have made something worthwhile.

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