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Welp, uh … goodnight, mission complete I guess?  Sure are a lot of weirdos out there and a lot of people sleeping through them.  I’m sure no explanation needed in the next update.  Actually, we’re getting close to the end of this story!  What a unique one it’s been that’s turned out nothing like I envisioned it years ago.  But that’s how writing always goes, it ends up with tanks and bear traps.  The later of which leads to the first and best episode of “Tom Goes to the Mayor”  I am now rambling because it is late and I’m tired.  No more goodnight puns soon!

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Fun Fact: Did you know that despite what most people assume, bear traps are not actually meant to capture bears?

Bear traps actually get their name because it’s short for “Conibear Trap”, named after its inventor, Frank Conibear.

Bear traps were also not meant to catch animals by the leg, as they are often depicted. The Conibear Body Gripping Trap was actually created because leg-catching traps were proving to be ineffective, as animals could usually get out of them or would even resort to chewing their own legs off, which not only left trappers hungry but was also seen as inhumane. The new traps were designed to snap the victim’s neck or crush its torso, killing it instantly. Remember, these were meant for small game like rabbits and foxes, not for larger animals like wolves or bears.

Does that mean this guy is okay? It would depend on the exact model but there is a chance that he just shattered both his legs. These models don’t look particularly effective, though, so I’m betting he’s just going to be extremely bruised after this. Thank God he’s wearing a helmet.

I like this kind of trivia. It’s cartoon mythbusters!
That’s why to keep the scene funny the person in the suit is more annoyed than horribly injured. Heck, the second one in the last panel looks more painful than rolling onto five traps.

Oh they’re serious all right.

I also loved the “ka-trap” sound effects.

Wait a minute – cranky, snoopy neighbor is helping to save the day? I did not see that coming.

I don’t think that was his intention. The guy’s current costume has a lizardy head and a fuzzy body. I think it’s likely he thought he was attacking the actual dinosaur.

Although if it turns out he actually planted all those traps in order to protect his neighbors against Kyra-haters, it would be quite the twist!

I like how even though they’re rubber masks, they’re expressive as if they were real faces ????

Also, heh… a trap on each cheek, that’s gotta sting ????

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